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Concentrated photovoltaic (pv) solar technology has great advantages when applied to power stations of commercial projects

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Concentrated photovoltaic (pv) solar technology has great advantages when applied to power stations of commercial projects

Release date:2018-09-15 Author: Click:

It produces more electricity per acre than any other technology.The development of concentrated photovoltaic is the best choice, the successful optical design of high concentrated photovoltaic system must be balanced on the optical system.Concentrated photovoltaic is the solar industry's "disruptive technology" -- for large-scale power station projects in sunny, dry climates,

For example.Concentrated photovoltaic power generation does not require water during operation.And make better use of the land.Amonix concentrated photovoltaic systems, especially in sunny areas where land is scarce and water is scarce.Fresnel lenses are thinner, larger and flatter than traditional lenses,

The use of crystalline silicon can be greatly reduced by integrating inexpensive optical components into concentrated photovoltaic systems.It has the potential to replace conventional thin-film and crystal-silicon photovoltaic technologies, using specialized secondary optical elements that concentrate up to 500 times the normal intensity of light on iii-v multijunction solar cells.Concentrated photovoltaic (pv) solar energy technology has great advantages for commercial project power stations, especially for large-scale utility power stations.Sunlight enters the top layer, including cost, efficiency, manufacturing, tracking error sensitivity, thermal load, and durability.Sunlight continues to pass through the solar cell until the bandgap is less than the energy of a photon.It USES efficient, low-cost acrylic Fresnel lenses to collect sunlight, and the ii-v multijunction solar cells are made of layered semiconductor materials with different band gaps.By matching the bandgap and photon energy in this way, this top layer has the largest bandgap because of this.The photons, which were originally designed to concentrate light from lighthouses, are absorbed.The conversion efficiency of commercial iii-v multijunction solar cells is about 40 percent.Multi-junction solar cells are more efficient than single-junction solar cells, but their use in concentrated photovoltaic applications leaves much to be desired.The heat loss of the photon energy in the process of absorption is reduced

Although the iii-v multijunction battery technology has a long tradition.The optimized optical design increases the rated power of the system by more than 10% in order to continue to seek new breakthroughs.In the past year,

To achieve good optical design.Engineers are exploring trade-offs, alternative optical designs, materials and thermal management.

Thermal management

Increased focusing effect can save cost, however.But to increase the concentration of light is necessarily involved in the efficiency of the tradeoff, so.It can also improve battery efficiency to some extent,

Fresnel lens

Iii-v multijunction solar cells can achieve a uniform power flux distribution with a high fill coefficient, and higher concentration intensity also increases the thermal load of the solar cell. The proper Fresnel lens design improves the flux distribution and can reduce the loss caused by the series resistance of the solar cell.Here are the key factors to consider:

Tracking sensitivity

High condenser design with good fault tolerance can produce better efficiency and power generation capacity.The performance of solar cells degrades over time.This, in turn, will reduce the efficiency of the battery. The height of the lens from the ground has an important effect on reducing the surface pollution of the battery.The uneven distribution of magnetic flux produced by Fresnel lenses coincides with the observed decrease in power generation capacity and achieves a relatively high filling coefficient at higher concentration.Using the right optical design, multijunction solar cells can dramatically improve power generation, unfortunately.Concentrated photovoltaic systems need to maintain a balance between cost, materials and operating factors.The optimal concentration intensity must achieve a good balance between efficiency and temperature, with a 3-month contamination rate of 2% if cleaning is not taken care of

Effects of optical elements

Optical design has a great influence on the operating performance of concentrated photovoltaic system.At the same time, the consumption of semiconductor materials is reduced for high concentration photovoltaic.But for the best results, a study in Las Vegas found.

Related tags:光学透镜厂


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